Figure 1 MLEM (ground) survey results confirm late time AEM (airborne) maxwell modelled plate (black rectangle): pT/A = signal strength for Channel 25 – Z component of MLEM survey
New High Priority Drill Target AC30
• A new high priority drill target, AC30, 800m in strike length flagged in a recent airborne electro-magnetic (AEM) geophysics survey has been verified by ground-based Moving Loop EM survey results (MLEM)
• AC30 is interpreted to be a structurally controlled sulphide system – potentially an Iron Sulphide Copper Gold (ISCG) mineral system with an associated co-incident 1.5 mGal gravity anomaly
• AC30 is located 5km southwest of Target AC23
• Drilling to commence on new high priority Target AC30 shortly
CEO Duncan Chessell commented:
AC30 is a compelling target located adjacent to the fertile Karari Shear Zone with a strong late-time EM response indicating we may have directly detected an Iron Sulphide Copper Gold (ISCG) style mineral system. This is a drill ready target of excellent response and scale potential to warrant immediate drill testing.
We thank the Arabana heritage survey team for the rapid turnaround time to allow us to progress Target AC30 to drill ready in a very short period.
We look forward to the results of this drill hole before moving to our other high priority IOCG targets such as Curdimurka, Callana and Target AC23.
It’s an exciting time for Copper Search with ongoing drilling and geophysics programs on significant scale targets planned for much of the rest of the year.
WATCH: CEO Duncan Chessell goes into more detail about how
Copper Search (ASX: CUS) has defined the targets like AC23 (3min)
Target AC23 – IP Geophysics survey underway, assays pending
• Target AC23 has a significant 3.8 mGal gravity anomaly with a footprint of 1,400m by 800m, located directly on the Karari shear zone – along structure from neighbouring BHP/AIC Wills Prospect with demonstrated IOCG mineralisation in 2022 drilling (ASX: A1M announcement 17/1/2023)
• 2023 drill hole 23PK01 was drilled to limit of rods at 458m and cased to allow for extension of the hole with a larger rig (ASX CUS 8/5/2023)
• A detailed drone magnetics survey has just been completed at AC23
• IP geophysics crew have just commenced a 10-day survey at AC23
• A new heritage survey has approved drilling of the entire target footprint
• Assays from 23PK01 to 458m depth are expected shortly
• Two trial lines of MLEM tested the potential of an ISCG mineral system but did not detect a significant conductor – this doesn’t downgrade the IOCG potential of AC23
• All geophysics data will be assessed with (pending) assays to inform potential further drilling plans for Target AC23
• Copper Search is considering extending drill hole 23PK01 with the larger UDR1200 drill rig after drilling the AC30 target due to commence within days

Drilling underway at Target RH02
• Diamond core drilling on Target RH02 has been completed to 622m and the Company’s modelled magnetic and gravity anomaly has been explained. The drill hole will be cemented, and the site rehabilitated upon the crew’s return from break
• Selective samples will be collected for lithological and geochemical reference

Quarterly Activities Report (December 2024)
Copper Search Limited (ASX: CUS) is pleased to present its Quarterly Activities Report for the period ending 31 December 2024.

Drilling Results Douglas Creek IOCG Prospect 2024
Copper Search announces assay results from the second drill hole at the Douglas Creek IOCG Prospect and discusses prospectivity and next steps

Quarterly Activities Report (September 2024)
Copper Search Limited (ASX: CUS) is pleased to present its Quarterly Activities Report for the period ending 30 September 2024.

Initial Drilling Results Douglas Creek IOCG Prospect
Copper Search announces the assay results of the first diamond core drill hole (24PK14) to test the Douglas Creek IOCG Prospect.

Annual Report (2024)
Copper Search Limited (ASX: CUS) is pleased to present its Annual Report (2024).

Drilling Completed at Douglas Creek IOCG Prospect, Peake Project
Copper Search Ltd (ASX: CUS) (Copper Search or the Company) is pleased to announce the completion of its third drill hole of the Winter 2024 Peake Drilling Program.